3 Writing Exercises: Processing the Pandemic

Try these 3 writing and creativity exercises to help you move through the process of exploring, expressing, and integrating your pandemic experience.

Processing and Transforming our pandemic experience through writing

We’ve all experienced more than a year of this devastating COVID 19 pandemic. We don’t know what the future holds with COVID but it seems that things are moving at last in a new direction. Whatever happens, it feels like a good time to digest and reflect upon our experience during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Of course, I turn first to writing as a way to explore my experiences, but if you are a visual artist or a dancer or a musician or songwriter or sculptor or any kind of creative person, you can probably turn these three exercises below to your own craft form.

The main thing is to express and transform. We all know how sad songs and certain music helps us express our emotion in a way that feels transformative and meaningful. Similarly, through our writing or other creative expression we can transform our sorrow and pain into meaning, connecting with the beauty of humanity.

I suggest that you use the writing practice or freewriting approach to all three of these exercises. Set a timer for 10 or 15 or 20 minutes and until the timer buzzes just keep writing continuously without pausing to read, edit or correct what you’ve written. Just let your words spill out. In the words of my friend Natalie Goldberg, who wrote about writing practice in her best-selling book Writing Down the Bones, “Keep your hand moving… go for the jugular.”

1) What did I lose?

It is traditional for communities that have suffered to lament. People grieve what is lost.

So for this first exercise take the writing prompt: The Thing That I Lost, or the Thing That I Missed.

Does an image arise for you? Try to pick one thing to focus on in your writing. I’m sure there are many things that you lost or missed, but the more broad and general you go, the more dilute and generic things can become. So see if you can focus on one specific thing. It might not be a big grandiose thing, it might be something that might seem very small to someone else. So what is specifically YOURS? Take this prompt and tell us about The Thing That I Lost, or the Thing That I Missed.

Before moving on to the next exercise, pause for a moment, feel your feet on the ground and take some breaths. Feel your breath slowly filling you up, slowly releasing.

2) What Sustained me?

Find an object in your home or outside in your garden or on your daily walk that symbolizes the strength or sustenance that supported you through the pandemic. It might be a photo of a family member, symbolizing the love you felt from distant relations that kept you sane. It might be a rock, symbolizing your strength, or a fern, symbolizing the beauty of the world that fed your soul during the pandemic and kept you going.

Something sustained you through the challenges of the last year, so find an object that symbolizes that thing or that relationship. Then sit with the object for a few minutes and breathe it in. Start by writing about the object, describe it using all the senses that you can – how does it look, does it have a sound, does it have a fragrance, how does it feel to the touch? Capture the sensory details, then expand out into how it represents the thing that sustained you. Artists, you might draw the object. Dancers, dance it, use your imagination to connect to that object.

Before moving on to the next exercise, pause for a moment, feel your feet on the ground and take some breaths. Feel your breath slowly filling you up, slowly releasing.

3) What Did I Bring With Me?

Processing and Transforming our pandemic experience through writingNow think of one thing you discovered of value during the pandemic. Tell us about it in writing, tell us how you discovered it was of value. Tell us what you are bringing with you out of the pandemic into your life as we go forward.

Notice the emotions evoked in you through these three writings. When you’ve completed them,  you might want to read over your writings, perhaps read them out loud — to yourself, to the trees, to your dog, to a trusted friend.

I’d love to know how these exercises work out for you! Please leave a comment or connect with me on Facebook. 

If you are a meditator, consider joining our Sage Institute Meditation Leader Training certification program, led by my husband Sean Tetsudo Murphy Sensei and I’m on faculty too. Our 2021 cohort for the 9-month 200-hour certification program starts August 23.

Tania Casselle is a writer for magazines, book publishers, and online media. She also coaches writers and leads online writing seminars  including the successful Write to the Finish online course by phone and email for writers working on a book. She leads in-person writing workshops and retreats in beautiful places, usually teaching with her husband, the Hemingway award-winning author and Zen teacher Sean Murphy.
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Writing to the Finish : Encouragement for Writers in Doubt

By Tania Casselle and Sean Murphy, award-winning author, NEA Creative Writing Fellow and Zen teacher.

http://www.dreamstime.com/-image605313My husband Sean Murphy often tells writers in our Write to the Finish write a book course that one of the most exciting points in his writing life was during a camping trip, when he got the idea for his first novel The Hope Valley Hubcap King.

He says that this was soon followed by one of the most daunting points in his writing life — he had to actually write the book!

After borrowing a friend’s cabin for four months of blissfully undistracted work, all at once his creative inspiration came face to face with his boundless doubt, and he wasn’t at all sure which one would prevail.

We imagine many writers have experienced some version of this. First comes the thrill of a creative idea for a memoir, novel or other book — an idea so compelling that it keeps you awake at night — followed by by the realization of  “Oh heavens – now I have to actually DO it. And can I?”

If you know that feeling, here are some thoughts from Sean to encourage you. He’s the award-winning author of four books, so he speaks from experience.

You’re in Good Company 

“There’s simply no way to make that leap into a book-length piece without feeling daunted.” says Sean. “The only way to proceed is to trust that if you want to make the leap, then it’s in you to successfully do it.

“Every book author (if they have any sense of reality!) has gone  through the same doubts, especially on a first book. However, walk into any library and see how many books are standing there on the shelves. You’ve got a lot of company. Those authors did it (and faced the same struggles) and they’re not an elevated species of human. They’re just like you.”

Library write a book

“Your intuition to write this book is leading you down a path that it believes you can travel successfully, if you’re willing to do so. And it IS essentially a question of willingness. Our creative drive is a pretty smart cookie, and she’s spitting this idea up into your consciousness for a reason. She has no reason to call us down a path that is a waste of time. What happens on that path is largely up to the gods and goddesses, but if you’re truly up for diving into a book manuscript, you can bet the process of discovery will be worth it, one way or another.”

Stumbling in the Dark is Part of the Process 

You have be willing to stumble along sometimes without knowing where you’re going, and that’s not always comfortable. This is the point when many writers abandon the work. But both Sean and I have come to realize that’s part of the process as well. The entire conception of a book-length work can’t be held in the conscious mind at one time, so it’s inevitable that we’ll spend some hours groping in the dark. (We’ve both groped for days, weeks or even months!)

But if you learn to trust — and even enjoy — the process, it will at last come clear. And as terrific as the thrill of having that first idea is, nothing matches the deep satisfaction of achieving and bringing into form one of your life’s great dreams.

I have some other thoughts to add:

* We’re all so busy in our lives and we all have doubts about our ability to write a project that is meaningful to us. So, waiting for a time when life isn’t busy or a time when our doubts have miraculously disappeared is a sure way to leave the idea sitting for years till all the energy fizzles out.

River View* Don’t worry ahead of yourself, don’t fret about the problems that lie ahead. The original idea came to you, and that’s what you have to work with right now. There’s no way you can know what’s waiting down the line. So trust the initial impulse. You can only tackle the next step in front of you to realize the idea, and then let the path unfold. Just take the next step…

* We all reach a point where the writing gets hard or we don’t know what to do next. The temptation is to put it down and hope for inspiration. But too often the problem is still there months later. The only way out is through, so often it’s best to stay engaged, learn new craft elements that might solve the problem, or just keep tussling till a solution arises.

* There are times when the right thing to do is to take a breather so ideas can percolate, and times to keep plugging away even if resistance arises.  Trust your gut instinct – which one is it?

* Inspiration requires commitment to manifest. That means investing time and energy. Unlike a short story or poem, it’s hard to juggle several creative projects and stay on track with a book-length work. So commit to the long project just for now, and know you can return to other projects once it is done.

Manuscripts from our writing students who have written a book

These are just a few of the book manuscripts from participants in our Write to the Finish online course, sent to us for feedback at the end of the course. If Sean’s library image didn’t encourage you enough, take heart from these!

None of the writers had written a book before, none of them had any magic secret. Just by staying with the process and not being pushed off course by their doubts, they achieved the goal of writing a book.

If they can do it… you can too!


Tania Casselle is a writer for magazines, book publishers, and online media. She also coaches writers and leads online writing seminars  including the successful Write to the Finish online course by phone and email for writers working on a book. She leads in-person writing workshops and retreats in beautiful places, usually teaching with her husband, the Hemingway award-winning author Sean Murphy. See more WriterMuscle posts or sign up to receive future Writer Muscle updates – down-to-earth advice from a seasoned writer.

The Times are Urgent. Let Us Slow Down and Write

Slowing down as a writer“The Times are Urgent. Let Us Slow Down.”

This is a quote from Bayo Akomolafe, and it speaks perfectly to my heart. The message might sound counterintuitive, but for a writer — or any kind of creative or contemplative soul — this is exactly the heart of things.

I had a chance to meet Bayo at the Spiritual Directors International 2019 conference, where we both presented. He is a poet, philosopher, and the Executive Director of The Emergence Network.

I have often heard Buddhist teachers say something along the same lines when referring to meditation. The schtik goes something like:

QUESTION: “What do I do when my life is so crazy with so many crises to juggle that I can’t even find 30 minutes a day to meditate?”

ANSWER: “Meditate for 60 minutes a day.”

I’ve heard that Mother Teresa said similar things. She was apparently once challenged about the fact that she and her sisters took an hour a day to stop work and pray, in the midst of caring for the many suffering souls they tended to.

The challenger objected: “More people than ever need your help… the lines are long and the halls are full of people seeking aid. Surely Mother Teresa you should adjust your schedule instead of withdrawing to pray for an hour?”

“Yes, you are right,” Mother Teresa replied. “There are more people to care for than ever. We really need to pray for two hours.”

So what does this have to do with writing? I would say that the busier your life is, the more important it is to slow down to attend to your soul work… your creative work.

We cannot keep putting energy out – taking care of the logistics and business of life, supporting our friends, our family – without pausing to refill the well inside us.

When we slow down to write, we are essentially slowing down to listen. We listen to the inner voice that whispers truth to us. If you are spiritually inclined, you might interpret this as hearing the soft breath of God, or the pulsing heartbeat of the universe. We can step out of the bustle and into the flow, the Tao, being present in the moment.

So, I can hear you saying:  “That sounds fabulous Tania, but what does that actually mean? What do I do? I have a busy life, bills to pay, everyone needs me, I don’t have time to write!”

I would suggest that if you are THIS bogged down, then you do not have time NOT to write.

This is all assuming that writing is your creative call. If photography is your call, or painting, or knitting, or playing the flute….. well, you get the picture.

How to slow down? Start simply. Slowing down is not meant to be a burden, but a gentle relief.

1) Make an Intention to Slow Down

Decide that you are worth the time, the step back, the pause. Realize that actually if you don’t get the time, the step back, the pause, you will soon be so burned out that you won’t be any use to anyone.

Sometimes this requires some internal discussion and discernment – usually we are our own worst enemies when it comes to our sense of duty. ESPECIALLY women! You women know what I mean. We think the whole world turns according to how much energy we put into keeping the globe spinning. We have to sacrifice ourselves! But this is such faulty thinking and not in the best interests of the people we love and who love us. We are better spouses, parents, and friends when we are rich and refreshed with our own soulful connection to our writing.

2) Make a Commitment: Retreat into your creative work for a few minutes a day.

Block out 15 minutes a day to start with. Perhaps just 4 or 5 days a week. And use that time to write. Sit down and let yourself relax into a freewrite or stream of consciousness write on this prompt:
“Everything I really want to say.”
The next day do a freewrite on * “Everything I don’t want to say.”

Or pick a prompt from a book like Wild Mind by Natalie Goldberg, or choose a line from a favorite poem, or just start writing and let whatever is waiting inside you pour out.

Be patient and loving with yourself. You don’t have to achieve anything. You don’t have to perform. You only have to slow down for a few brief minutes a day and listen to yourself, hearing what your heart has to say.

Your family won’t notice the 15 minutes a day that you are writing. But I promise you: You will.

*  *  *

Tania Casselle is a writer for magazines, book publishers, and online media and also a developmental editor for publishers and individual authors. She also coaches writers and leads online writing seminars  including the successful Write to the Finish online course by Zoom and an online learning platform for writers working on a book. She leads in-person writing workshops and retreats in beautiful places, usually teaching with her husband, the Hemingway award-winning author Sean Murphy. See more WriterMuscle posts or sign up to receive future Writer Muscle updates – down-to-earth advice from a seasoned writer.

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Writers: Take a Tip from Gandhi

If You Want to be a Writer: Action Expresses Priorities

Writer Tip ActionA few months ago a greetings card in a store caught my attention: An Asian statue of a dancer in a wheel against a sunset sky. Then I read the quote beneath the photo, “Action Expresses Priorities.” The quote rang home even more loudly than the image – bright and clear like a wake-up bell.

I bought the card to send to my friend Fiona in London. But that bell kept ringing in my head until I realized that, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to send Fiona the card. It called to me so loudly I needed to keep it for myself. The quote has become my mantra for this year.

Every year I take a quote or saying as a guiding mantra. Sometimes I keep it close to my chest, even my husband doesn’t know what it is. But I’ve been sharing “Action expresses priorities” left and right.

I started mentioning it in my coaching calls and online seminars with writers because so often the message spoke to the issues the writers brought to me. Every time I shared it there was an intake of breath, an “Mmm” of recognition, the same recognition that I felt when I read it. Hey, the saying is attributed to Gandhi, so perhaps it’s no surprise.

What does “action expresses priorities” mean to a writer?

For me, it reminds me that if I am not actively doing my creative work, taking action towards my dreams, my ambitions, my most cherished projects, then they cannot be much of a priority for me. This leaves me with a bit of an ‘ouch’ feeling because of course they are a priority in my heart. They are just not getting prioritized in my day.

Also, when I’m dollying around wasting time on some ridiculous task I’ve set myself (spending an hour online to save $20 on a flight) or disappearing down the rabbit hole of Facebook, what does this say about my priorities? Usually, it means that I have (literally) lost the plot, because there is no way I’m writing a short story while I’m watching videos of dancing ferrets.

If you want to prioritize your writing this year, this saying is one to take to heart. Use it as a tool, as a benchmark to choose what you will or will not do, as a sweet prayer of encouragement.

5 Ways to Take Action and Prioritize Writing

1) Make time to write. It’s very simple. If you don’t make time in your life to write then your brilliant novel is not going to write itself while you are watching TV / researching Twitter hashtags / partying with the dancing ferrets.  Even 10 minutes of writing a day makes a difference – it shows that even in your busiest days, you are showing up for yourself, for your priority of being a writer.

2) Find a community of writers. Writers in our online Write to the Finish course always say that the sense of community is a vital part of the course for them.  For 9 months they have the support of other writers on the same path, all striving to write a book. (Often writers stay in touch for years after their Write to the Finish course ended, even traveling across continents to meet and write together. When writers bond, they bond hard!)  I have my own writing communities – almost all consistent/successful writers do. Whether online or in the real world, it’s important to spend time with other writers who understand you and who will have your back when the going get tough.

3) Speaking of which, don’t give up when the going gets tough. Express your priority to keep writing by just doing it: hang on in there, stay committed. I promise you that the tough time will pass.

4) Create a scaffolding. Study books in your genre, take writing courses, read books on how to write, attend workshops and conferences, do things to support your priority of being a writer. (But watch out! If you only read books about how to write and don’t actually write, your action simply says that your priority is to read writing books!)

5) Learn to say No. Don’t spend time doing things that don’t express your priority of writing. Sometimes that will mean saying a kind “no” more often – to others or to yourself. Start practicing.

By the way, even though I kept the inspiring card for myself I didn’t deprive my friend Fiona of the “action expresses priorities” quote. I ‘fessed up and told her on a Skype call and showed her the card — the gorgeous statue of Shiva danced its way across the Atlantic ocean via my Skype camera.  (Because another of my priorities is to share truth and beauty where I find it, even if I am too clingy to send the actual card!) Then Fiona and I had a vigorous conversation about what “action expresses priorities” means for each of us.

The message feels huge both for my personal life and for my writing life. What does it mean to you?
If you want to tell us, I’d love to hear in the comments box below. If not, then just breathe it in for yourself, keep it warm against your heart.

Tania Casselle is a writer for magazines, book publishers, and online media. She also coaches writers and leads online writing seminars  including the successful Write to the Finish online course by phone and email for writers working on a book. She leads in-person writing workshops and retreats in beautiful places, usually teaching with her husband, the Hemingway award-winning author Sean Murphy. See more WriterMuscle posts or sign up to receive future Writer Muscle updates – down-to-earth advice from a seasoned writer.

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Writers: Don’t Hold Back!

Five Reasons Why Writers Shouldn’t Hold Back

Writers don't hold backI read, critique, and edit dozens of manuscripts a year for private clients and for agencies, conferences and writer organizations. I often tell writers not to hold back in their work… not to let fears of self-exposure or concerns about how others might react get in their way. Just let your creativity and emotion flow freely onto the page.

It’s common for memoir or creative nonfiction writers to want to protect themselves (“What will people think of me?”) or their loved ones (“I can’t say that about my sister!”) or even avoid mentioning people they have fallen out with (“They’ll sue me!”).

But the reader knows you’re withholding something – and I promise, they won’t like it. Here’s why writers shouldn’t succumb to the temptation to hold back:

1) Readers can tell anyway if you are avoiding something. There is a gap and we feel it. It makes us uneasy and distrustful of the writer. You don’t want that, do you?

2) You can edit later. So let it all out now! Write authentically and passionately and trust that others will be able to meet you there. Part of the process of writing is to speak your truth. Don’t throttle yourself. You can figure out later if you need to change it to protect people’s feelings or adjust anything for legal reasons. Most often, when we encourage writers to spill it all without self-censor, they later say that the truth they write is not as bad or scary as they anticipated… and they leave it in.

3) Emotion isn’t the worst thing that can happen. Telling the truth without holding back might bring up emotions, but that’s OK. That’s what we want! The memoirist Anaïs Nin put it this way: “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” Sometimes the taste isn’t so palatable, but if you’re drawn to write about something that happened to you, trust the instinct. Allow it to come up and cry all the way through if necessary. Let yourself be angry if that is what arises – slash the page with the anger. Let yourself be sad and grieve. The page is intimate. The page is your friend.

Remember you don’t have to show it to anyone (see point 2 above) but if you repress your emotions and write only the pretty, sanitized version of your experience, then not only were you hurt once, but you are hurting yourself again. Own your truth, own your voice.

4) If it feels scary, go for it – that’s where the energy is. Fiction writers can also feel vulnerable about exposing themselves, even when hiding behind their narrator or characters. My advice is: If it feels scary, go for it. Sometimes we hold back because even in fiction we’re still trying to be “nice” or perhaps politically correct. Or we might think, “I’m not the kind of writer who writes that kind of stuff.” But fiction is about life as it is and sometimes life isn’t nice or politically correct… look at Shakespeare! Better to overreach in a draft, then rein it back in revisions, than hold ourselves back in the first draft. It’s much more difficult to fix a ‘held back’ passage later. Usually it has to be rewritten from the ground up.

5) Trust in yourself. Sometimes we can get stingy about our words or ideas, feeling that we’ve got to hold something back, keep something in the bank as it were, as though if we spill the words too freely we might run out of them. We might run dry and find ourselves in the red for ideas. This will not happen, I assure you. There are unlimited creative ideas and many lively words deposited in that bank! And in this magical account, as soon as you spend them they are automatically replenished.

As author Annie Dillard says: “Spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time… Something more will arise for later, something better. These things fill from behind, from beneath, like well water… Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes.”

I’d love to hear what helps you let go and write your truth freely. Tell us in the comments box below.

Tania Casselle is a writer for magazines, book publishers, and online media. She also coaches writers and leadsonline writing seminars  including the successful Write to the Finish online course by phone and email for writers working on a book. She leads in-person writing workshops and retreats in beautiful places, usually teaching with her husband, the Hemingway award-winning author Sean Murphy. See more WriterMuscle posts or sign up to receive future Writer Muscle updates – down-to-earth advice from a seasoned writer.

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